Monday, March 21, 2011


If I may, I would like to that a little of your time and discuss a burden that the Lord has place upon my heart, and what I am seeking to accomplish my mission from HIM. It is the reason that
I was at Keys conference, seeking the vehicles to accomplish His mission. I found what I believe is the vehicle and the door way to accomplish the goal.

First is the assignment (reason), it is to James 1:27
27Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

In keeping with the Lord through a divine appointment in January,   HE brought Horizon International into my life and their mission of dealing with aids orphans in Africa, meeting with Bob Pearson and hearing his story and the vision, I accepted the burden of building orphanages in Africa. This not one or two, what is on the Lords heart is to build many throughout nations of Africa to address this issue, which will require a mass amount of money to accomplish the need. You can, if you like look at their website .  Thus, I call this the purpose.

Second, my trip to Keys conference, I was looking for the vehicle that would be able to fund this Kingdom project, which I believe I found. It is a door way into the inner circle of banking and funding for humanitarian projects, it has been used since 1944 to rebuild Europe after the World War II. I have been trading the markets since 2002, and trading the Forex market in Swiss since 2006. However, this vehicle is devised for the purpose that the Lord has on His mind and can produce the return to accomplish the task at hand. I am not sure if you have  met David A. Roth,, David introduced me to vehicle at Keys, another divine appointment.

So you are wondering what is on my mind, simple, I am looking for another divine appointment, I often say that REASON + PUROSE = NEED, it is not my need but HIS, to enter the market place I need to co labor with people that have a like spirit for this project, as I raise the standard for this project, I believe the Lord will speck to these KINGDOM minded people.

This is not a donation or giving to accomplish this task. This is a investment, to take the money out of the world market place for Kingdom projects. To accomplish this, we need people of wealth to co labor. People who will hear the Lord, these KINGDOM  people must be business and investment minded to understand the process.

This is a huge move forward for the KINGDOM, to address these projects on a national level;  to effect the political and business mountains.

Thus, at 4:30 in the morning the other night the Lord brought you before me, I am not sure what your role could be, investor or one who would lead me to a divine appointment. Both of you were divine appointments for me at KEYS and the airport.

I look forward to co labor with you on this project or other ones that the Lord may send our way.

 Those who respond I will send  a copy of an eBook that I wrote several years ago:  FORERUNNERReclaiming the Kingdom. I write under a pen name of Cyrus Kairos.

Be blessed and prosper, and enjoyed your time on the beach.